Australian High Commission

Australian jurists reach out to the underprivileged children in Bangladesh

Australian jurists reach out to the underprivileged children in Bangladesh

Members of the Australian Bar Association along with their families and friends donated Taka 900,000 to sponsor the underprivileged working children of the UCEP general and technical schools. HE Douglas Foskett, the Australian High Commissioner and Dan O’Gorman from the Australian Bar Association handed over a cheque to UCEP Executive Director Brig. Gen. Aftabuddin Ahmed (Retd.) at a reception held on 20 December 2006 in Dhaka.

While handing over the cheque the Australian High Commissioner lauded UCEP for assisting underprivileged working children become educated, skilled and eventually self-reliant individuals. Mr. Foskett also noted the financial contribution of the Australian Bar Association as a noble initiative in support of the children who would otherwise never receive formal education.

Mr Dan O’ Gorman from the Australian Bar Association said that they were very pleased to be able to assist UCEP which is doing a splendid job in providing education and vocational training to the distressed working children of Bangladesh.

The Executive Director of UCEP, Brig. Gen. Aftab Uddin Ahmed informed the audience that UCEP is the single largest NGO producing skilled manpower for the industrial sector in Bangladesh. He also mentioned successful UCEP graduates who have been able to use the skills they gained from UCEP in both Bangladesh and abroad. Mr. Ahmed thanked the Bar Association for their gesture of support and hoped that this act of generosity would go a long way in improving the lives of the children at UCEP.

Australian High Commission, Dhaka
21 December 2006