Australian High Commission

Australia Assists Rohingya


Australia will provide A$700,000 to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for the Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar. Funds will be used to construct improved shelters for 492 Rohingya families, as part of UNHCR’s on-going shelter replacement project.

Announcing the new funding, the Australian High Commissioner Dr Justin Lee said, “Australia’s funding to UNHCR will provide better living conditions including more space, privacy and protection to around 3000 refugees, until a durable solution can be found”.

“Australia also announced earlier this month A$3.2 million in humanitarian aid to Rohingya people living in Burma’s northern Rakhine State. This takes Australia’s total contribution to A$8 million this financial year to assist Rohingya in both Bangladesh and Burma.”

“This reflects Australia’s commitment to a permanent solution to the Rohingya issue,” Dr Lee said.

The UN refugee agency warmly welcomed the Australian donation. UNHCR Representative in Bangladesh, Pia Prytz Phiri said “Australia’s commitment to the refugee program in Bangladesh, especially by funding new shelters, has already resulted in improvements in the health and protection of the refugees. This additional funding will ensure that over 80% of all shelter needs are met in both camps. Refugees can now live in more humane conditions pending a durable solution to their situation.”

Bangladesh is hosting over 28,000 refugees from Myanmar. They constitute a residual caseload of 250,000 who entered Bangladesh in 1991 and 1992. UNHCR has provided assistance to Rohingya refugees since 1991.

The shelter replacement project was launched by UNHCR in late 2006 to provide better living conditions to the refugees, especially to relieve overcrowding, provide separate cooking facilities, and adequate ventilation that will reduce the incidence of respiratory diseases.

The new shelters will meet minimum international standards and will offer better protection against natural disasters, including heavy rains and cyclones.

For more information, please contact:
S Farhana Rahman
Senior Political and Economic Research Officer
Australian High Commission, Dhaka
Phone: 8813105 Arjun Jain
Senior Protection Officer
UNHCR, Dhaka
Phone: 01713131491