Australian High Commission

Media Release

Australia Welcomes Return to Democracy in Bangladesh

Australia welcomes the return to parliamentary democracy in Bangladesh, following peaceful and orderly elections held on 29 December 2008, and encourages all parties to work together to ensure a smooth transition and a strong future for the people of Bangladesh.

A number of Australians observed the elections. The Australian Government sent three election observers, including Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance, Mr Bob McMullan MP, to help monitor Bangladesh’s national elections and provided approximately $1 million to support the Asia Foundation’s election program in Bangladesh. The Australian High Commission also had observer teams in both Dhaka and Chittagong.

Australia and Bangladesh have long-standing and deep connections. The Australian Government looks forward to working closely with the newly-elected government in areas of mutual interest. These include trade and investment, development assistance, counter-terrorism, education, migration and tourism.

Australian High Commission, Dhaka
31 December 2008
For further information please contact:
Senior Political & Economic Research Officer, AHC, Dhaka.
Tel: 8813105, E-mail: [email protected]