Australian High Commission

Crossing Paths: Australian photo-journalists images of South Asia

Crossing Paths: Australian photo-journalists images of South Asia

Standing in front of "Ferry , Bangladesh" High Commissioner Lee, Canadian High Commissioner (R), Naeema Quayes, Jeane Loana and Esther Harren

“Australian journalists and Australians in general are showing much greater interest in and understanding of the life, politics, and society of South Asia.” So said Australian High Commissioner to Bangladesh, Dr Justin Lee, at the inauguration in Dhaka of an exhibition displaying images of South Asia taken by Australian photo-journalists based in the region.

The week long photo exhibition called “Crossing Paths”, organised by the Australian High Commission, comprises 15 images of Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, taken by two award-winning Australian photo-journalists Daniel Berehulak and Graham Crouch.

The exhibition showcases a variety of images of South Asia, from valleys of Afghanistan to streets of Bangladesh and from wintry Delhi gardens to ferry ghats in Dhaka, capturing the diverse personalities of South Asia. Some of the images have appeared in the world’s great mastheads like Time Magazine and the New York Times.

Madam Nayeema Quayes, a strong supporter of the arts, and Madam Jeane Lona, the spouse of the Australian High Commissioner, jointly inaugurated the exhibition at the Radius Centre Gallery on Tuesday evening, 7 December. The owner of the Radius Centre Salahdin Imam also spoke on the occasion.

Mdm Quayes congratulated the photographers and thanked the Australian High Commission for bringing the exhibition to Dhaka, noting its contribution to cultural diplomacy.

“Crossing Paths” has already been shown in Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and Pune and will travel to Kolkata after Dhaka.

The exhibition will be open for all from December 7 -14 at the Radius Centre, Bay’s Galleria (5th floor), 57 Gulshan Avenue from 11 am to 6.30 pm (except on Fridays and Saturdays from 3pm to 8 pm).

Australian High Commission, Dhaka, 8 December 2010
For further information please contact:
Senior Research and Communications Officer, AHC Dhaka
Tel: 8813105 (497), E-mail: [email protected]