Australian High Commission

Media Release 2008

Australia provides further A$ 6.5 million for Cyclone Sidr Response

The Australian Government will provide a further A$ 6.5 million to help Bangladeshi communities recover from Cyclone Sidr, which caused widespread devastation in November. Building on an initial contribution of A$ 3 million, this new funding brings Australian relief for Cyclone Sidr to A$ 9.5 million.

“Australia’s additional funding of A$ 6.5 million will help meet immediate needs through provision of food to 800,000 people, upgrading water and sanitation facilities and distribution of nutrition supplements for over 50,000 women and children. The funding will also support rehabilitation of damaged schools in the affected areas” said the Australian High Commissioner, Douglas Foskett. “This contribution reflects Australia’s strong commitment to Bangladesh, particularly in its time of need, and our concern for people suffering in the affected areas” he added.

Australia will contribute A$ 4 million to the World Food Programme (WFP)’s post cyclone response program, which will provide rice, pulses, vegetable oil, iodised salt, high-energy biscuits and wheat soya blend to families in urgent need. This contribution is in addition to A$ 1 million already contributed to WFP for its immediate cyclone relief program.

Australia will also provide A$ 1.5 million to BRAC for provision of nutrition supplements to 16,000 pregnant women and nursing mothers for six months; rehabilitation of around 2000 destroyed and damaged schools, replacement of school supplies; and provision of water and sanitation facilities.

A further $1 million will be provided to UNICEF for micronutrient fortified blended food for pregnant and nursing mothers and infants. This support will contribute to UNICEF’s efforts to prevent a potential outbreak of malnutrition among vulnerable cyclone-affected women and children. With the Australian contribution, UNICEF will provide food to over 40,000 pregnant and nursing mothers and infants between 6 to 24 months old.

Australian High Commission, Dhaka
28 January 2008
For further information please contact:
Senior Political & Economic Research Officer, AHC, Dhaka.
Tel: 8813105, E-mail: [email protected]