Australian High Commission

Media Release

Australia provides Taka 180 million (US $2.7 million) emergency assistance for Cyclone Sidr relief

The Australian Government has announced it will provide Taka 180 million (A$3 million) for emergency relief and recovery efforts in communities affected by Cyclone Sidr.

Announcing the decision, the Australian High Commissioner, Doug Foskett, advised that, through its international aid agency, AusAID, Australia will contribute A$1million each to:

• Australian NGOs working in Bangladesh for relief assistance including the provision of safe water, sanitation facilities and non-food items such as clothes and blankets;

• the World Food Program (WFP) to meet immediate food needs and support recovery programs; and

• the International Federation of the Red Cross to support the Bangladesh Red Crescent Societies’ relief efforts, including basic health care and emergency sanitation.

Mr Foskett expressed condolences to those who had lost their lives and loved ones in the cyclone. He said Australians were deeply sympathetic towards Bangladesh and its people in their time of need, and wanted to contribute towards assisting the survivors in the difficult days ahead as they sought to pick up the pieces of their lives. He praised the excellent efforts of the Bangladeshi Government and its agencies in preparing for the cyclone and noted the importance of continuing close cooperation between the Government and relief agencies to ease the suffering of the survivors.

Australian High Commission, Dhaka
19 November 2007
For further information please contact Political & Economic Research Officer, Australian High Commission.
Tel: 8813105, E-mail: [email protected]