Australian High Commission

060928_Media release from AHC_IDEA

Australia provides funds to reduce maternal and neo-natal morbidity in Habiganj

Richard Rodgers, Deputy High Commissioner, Australian High Commission meets the trained birth attendants and the project coordinators at Nabinagar in Habiganj.

The risk of dying from pregnancy and child-birth related causes in Bangladesh is100 times greater than developed countries. Neonatal deaths account for about half of all deaths among children below five years in Bangladesh.

The Australian High Commission has provided funding to Institute of Development Affairs, a local NGO with an aim to check maternal and neonatal morbidity and increase coverage of immunisation in 50 villages of Habiganj district. Under the project 50 traditional birth attendants received training on modern delivery practices, and on immunisation. Around 5000 households, mostly economically and culturally suppressed women will receive their services free of charge.

Australian Deputy High Commissioner, Richard Rodgers met the birth attendants while visiting the project area at Nabinagar in Habiganj. He said that the Australian High Commission was very pleased to be able to assist and hoped that the project would be able to contribute towards arresting the high prevalence of maternal and neo-natal mortality rate in that particular area. He also congratulated the trained birth attendants, many of who had already used their new knowledge to deliver babies in their villages.

For further information please contact
Senior Political & Economic Research Officer,
Australian High Commission.
Tel: 8813105, E-mail: [email protected]