Australian High Commission

Media Releases from the High Commission-December 2005

Media Releases: 2006 | 2005 | 2004
Australia Funds Bee-Keeping Initiative

From Left: Mr M A Sohel, Executive Director, By Hand; Mr S F Ahmed, Trainer; Nawrin Samrina, Senior Political and Economic Research Officer, Australian High Commission and the trainees are seen at the project area in Jamalpur

Life is looking sweeter for the participants of a bee-keeping training program in Jamalpur. The Australian High Commission has provided funding to a local NGO ‘By Hand’ under its Direct Aid Program (DAP) 2004-05. The funding facilitated alternative income generation for underprivileged men and women in Jamalpur by providing them with training on bee-keeping. The funding was also used to provide each of the trainees with a hive box and honey-extractor to enable them to start their own bee-keeping businesses and become self employed. The group of 180 trainees consists of equal number of male and female participants.

Australian High Commission

20 December 2005
For further information please contact Nawrin Samrina, Senior Political & Economic Research Officer, Australian High Commission.
Tel: 8813105, E-mail: [email protected]